The second broad issue concerns social-contextual influences on the recognition and interpretation of emotional expressions. Studies have shown, for instance, that the social context influences the emotions people feel and express (Clark, Fitness, & Brissette, 2004 Doosje, Branscombe, Spears, & Manstead, 2004 Fischer & Evers, 2011).

The first pertains to how social-contextual factors shape the experience, regulation, and expression of emotions. The emerging field of research into the social nature of emotions has focused on three broad sets of questions.

We therefore believe it is timely to organize a Research Topic on the social nature of emotions to review the state of the art in research and methodology and to stimulate theorizing and future research. Despite this increasing awareness, the inclusion of the social dimension as a fundamental element in emotion research is still in its infancy (Fischer & Van Kleef, 2010). Over the last two decades, however, an increasing scholarly awareness has emerged that emotions are inherently social – that is, they tend to be elicited by other people, expressed towards other people, and regulated to influence other people or to comply with social norms (Fischer & Manstead, 2008 Keltner & Haidt, 1999 Parkinson, 1996 Van Kleef, 2009). Traditionally, emotions have been conceptualized and studied as individual phenomena, with research focusing on cognitive and expressive components, and on physiological and neurological processes underlying emotional reactions. They pervade our social and professional lives, affect our thinking and behavior, and profoundly shape our relationships and social interactions. Emotions are a defining aspect of the human condition.